6 Tips for Avoiding HVAC Emergencies in Winter Park, FL

6 Tips for Avoiding HVAC Emergencies in Winter Park, FL

Many homeowners worry about the possibility of needing emergency repairs on their HVAC systems. Thankfully, there are things you can do to reduce those risks. Follow these six tips to help avoid HVAC emergencies in your Winter Park, FL home.

1. Pay Attention to Signs of Trouble

Property owners often unintentionally ignore small HVAC problems, which can exert extra wear on their systems. Eventually, these will lead to larger problems and eventual HVAC emergencies. Some small problems to pay attention to include:

  • Reduced airflow from supply vents
  • Increased heating and cooling costs
  • Unusual noises
  • Unpleasant odors
  • Inconsistent heating and cooling
  • Short cycling

If you notice any of these issues, check your air filter to ensure it can pass air effectively. If that doesn’t solve the problem, call a trusted service provider to schedule a repair.

2. Utilize Thermostat Programs

Thermostat programs allow you to automatically adjust the temperature based on your family’s schedule. Not only does this cut down on your heating and cooling costs, but it also reduces the wear on your system. Reduced wear translates into less risk of breakdowns, especially during periods of extra strain like unusually cold weather.

3. Properly Maintain Your System

HVAC systems undergo wear and tear and get dirty over time, which causes strain on the system and increases the need for repairs. The longer the system goes without proper maintenance, the more at risk it is of working effectively.

Aside from tuning and cleaning your HVAC system, maintenance technicians conduct a wide range of tests. The goal is not only to find failed components but also those that are working sub optimally. This way, the service techs can fix even imperceptible problems before they lead to issues down the road.

4. Don’t Try to Fix Your System Yourself

It’s never a good idea to attempt HVAC projects on your own, whether they are repairs or a system installation. Many well-intentioned DIY projects cause incidental damage that you may not notice right away. This damage may cause your system to fail when you depend on it most to keep your home comfortable and safe, and it can lower your system’s overall efficiency even if failure doesn’t occur.

5. Keep an Eye on Your Home’s Humidity

Dry air has a harder time holding onto heat than air with more humidity, which makes it more difficult to warm your home. In response, you might end up setting your thermostat higher. Doing so causes your system to work harder, increasing the strain and wear and tear it experiences.

Overly humid air, though, can contribute to biological growth and pose problems for your belongings. It also tends to hold on to more allergens and other pollutants, which may have a whole host of side effects, such as throat irritation, sneezing, and coughing.

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends maintaining an indoor humidity level between 30% and 50%. You may need to add moisture during cold spells while dehumidifying over the summer to achieve this.

6. Plan Your System Replacement

A lot of homeowners wait to replace their systems until they give out completely, making it an emergency. Unfortunately, this approach usually leaves people with fewer immediate options and a need to pay a mid-season premium

The average gas furnace lasts 15 to 20 years when properly maintained. The average air conditioner or heat pump should last 8 to 12 years in Central Florida due to coastal salt. Planning a replacement around these lifespans allows you to take advantage of off-season savings, depending on the HVAC company and wider system availability.

You can reduce the risk of HVAC emergencies by following these simple tips. Call to schedule a heating or AC installation consultation with one of our expert service techs at ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration.

Image provided by iStock

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