Wherever you live in Lake Mary Jane, FL, you’ll agree there’s no place quite like home. As your private abode, it’s the one place where you can relax, unwind, and enjoy some personal time. The air you breathe at home should never pose health risks to you or your family, but sadly, that’s often the case. In fact, the air inside many households contains more pollutants than the 02 found outside. Find out how to boost the indoor air quality of your home-sweet-home.

Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants

If you’re reading this at home, chances are you’re inhaling a toxic mix of airborne contaminants into your lungs at this very moment. Where do they come from? Allergens like pollen and pet dander hitch a ride into your home on your shoes, clothing, and hair. Dangerous chemicals like formaldehyde can be present in furnishings ranging from carpets and upholstery to kitchen cabinetry. Many household products, including disinfectants, pesticides, and air fresheners, contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that get released into the air more or less continuously.

Impact on Your Respiratory System

When it comes to airborne contaminants, size matters. Particles smaller than 10 microns present the greatest danger as they get inhaled deep into your lungs. They can even enter your bloodstream.

How small is a micron? A single strand of human hair is around 70 microns in size. People with heart disease or chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma are at increased risk from particulate matter. Young children whose lungs are still developing are vulnerable too. Older adults who spend much of their time indoors are also susceptible to lung damage due to prolonged exposure.

Health Symptoms of Poor Indoor Air Quality

From coughing and sneezing to itchy eyes and sore throats, otherwise healthy people can experience symptoms from polluted indoor air. How do you know it’s not seasonal allergies, a cold, or the flu? Spend a few hours away from home. If the symptoms only return when you come back, something inside is likely making you sick. For people with pre-existing health conditions, symptoms like chest tightness, shortness of breath, or heart palpitations demand immediate attention from a healthcare professional.

Increase Ventilation to Clear the Air

Bringing fresh air into your home is one of the best ways to lower concentrations of indoor air contaminants. Unfortunately, in today’s world, it’s not always possible to leave windows and doors open. On the flip side, an array of effective alternatives are at your disposal. Our whole-home solutions include energy recovery ventilators that capture up to 80% of energy in the exiting air and then filter the air coming into your home.

Air Filtration Solutions

The filters that come with most HVAC systems do a fair job of preventing airborne contaminants from causing damage to critical components. However, they’re less effective at ridding your home of air pollutants. At ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, we offer a variety of HVAC filters that ensure you’re only breathing clean, healthy air. Trane’s CleanEffects whole-home filtration system takes air-cleaning up a notch by removing up to 99% of particles from filtered indoor air. Designed to work with your central-air HVAC system, it traps harmful contaminants as small as 0.3 microns without impacting airflow.

Professional Duct Cleaning

Central air conditioning and heating systems provide the whole-home comfort that families throughout the region greatly appreciate. Without proper care, however, the ductwork they use to circulate air through your home can become a haven for biological contaminants. Cracks, gaps, and loose fittings can also allow outdoor pollutants entry into the air ducts, worsening indoor air quality. Our duct cleaning services will keep your ductwork operating at peak performance.

At ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, we’re committed to providing the HVAC services you need to enjoy a healthy and comfortable home. To learn more about our indoor air quality solutions, give our pros a call today!

Image provided by iStock

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