How to Prep Your HVAC System for Holiday Hosting or Travel

How to Prep Your HVAC System for Holiday Hosting or Travel

The holiday season is coming up, and homeowners in Winter Park, FL, are working overtime to get their homes ready for friends and family to arrive. One of the keys to hosting a successful event is ensuring everyone in your house is comfortable — not too hot but not too cold. Here are three things you can do to prep your HVAC system for the holidays.

1. Make Sure Your Heater Is Working Properly

The best starting point for getting your HVAC system ready for the holidays is to fire up the heating component and make sure it’s working properly. Do this as early as possible in the fall before any holiday parties. The sooner, the better.

When you use your heater initially in a new season, you might encounter some funky odors. Certain furnace and heat pump odors are actually very common. The smell of burning dust is normal, and that layer should burn off within the first day or two. But if it lingers a week later, there might be a problem that requires the help of a professional. Odors similar to burning plastic and rotten eggs also signal a furnace repair visit is necessary.

Again, it’s important to test out your heater long before you host your first event of the holiday season. Remember, many homeowners are calling for heating repairs this time of year. So, it could take some time to schedule an inspection, diagnose the problem, order parts and perform any needed repairs.

2. Give Your Heating System a Tune-Up

Your central heating and cooling system has a lot of components in place to keep everyone comfortable all year long. But, like any other technological wonder, it needs routine maintenance to keep it running efficiently for years on end. To prepare your system for hosting a house full of holiday guests, consider investing in an all-in-one maintenance plan.

Our Energy Savings Agreement includes a 20-point inspection intended to check your HVAC system from top to bottom. If you have any components that need tuning up, tightening down, cleaning out, or replacing, now is the time to get it done.

All you’ll need to do is keep up with routine filter changes. The result is free-flowing air and a lower likelihood of dust entering the system. Clogged filters make your heater work harder, wasting energy and money while putting strain on the rest of your HVAC components. Plan on changing out dirty filters every one to three months or as needed.

You can also check the air vents in every room to ensure that they’re clean, the registers are open, and the space around the vents is clear. Completing all of these tasks will ensure uninterrupted airflow. Another helpful tip is to keep the outdoor unit clear of weeds, tree branches, dead leaves, and debris to encourage airflow.

3. Clean and Repair Air Ducts If Needed

This part of the country doesn’t experience the crazy extreme temperatures in more northern states. However, you and your guests love running the heat and AC like anyone else. While brand-new homes shouldn’t have any air duct problems yet, any home that is 15 or more years old might need some attention. Even with clean filters, some dust accumulates in the air ducts over the years.

Over time, air ducts can develop cracks and holes, which allow conditioned air to escape, and dust and various contaminants to enter the system. This can prevent air from reaching all the rooms in your home, resulting in hot and cold spots. It can also create a massive buildup of dust in the ductwork.

Don’t risk letting an HVAC breakdown or related problems ruin the holiday get-togethers you spent so much time and effort preparing for friends and family. Contact our team at ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration today to schedule AC & heating repairs before time runs out! If there’s anything our company prides itself on, it’s providing top-rated products and an outstanding service experience.

Image provided by iStock

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