Avoid Making These 3 Heat Pump Mistakes in Winter Park, FL

Heat Pump Systems

Using a heat pump is an efficient way to warm your Winter Park, FL, home without relying on a standard furnace. Though heat pumps are easy to use, we still see some confusion from homeowners at times. Here are three heat pump mistakes you should avoid making so that you can maximize efficiency and comfort:

Adjusting Your Heat Pump Constantly

It isn’t unusual to change your system’s temperature a few times during the day, especially if it’s an older system. However, heat pumps work best when they maintain a consistent temperature over time. Once you find a temperature that’s comfortable, keep it set there so your heat pump strains less with frequent fluctuations.

Using AUTO (or Heat/Cool) Mode

Most, if not all, heat pumps have an AUTO mode (sometimes called “Heat/Cool”). This mode lets the system switch seamlessly between heating and cooling instead of needing someone to do it manually.

Unfortunately, this mode can actually increase your energy usage. If temperatures in your area fluctuate, your heat pump might cool down your home at one point only to think it needs heating later. Sticking to one mode keeps things more consistent and makes your system run less often overall.

If your system has an AUTO mode it can use when not on Heat/Cool, it means that the fan will only circulate air when the heat pump is actively running. In that case, it can actually help you eliminate temperature irregularities in your home.

Ignoring the Outdoor Unit

Your heat pump’s outdoor unit is just as important as any other part, but it’s one some homeowners ignore or forget about. Fall storms can cause debris to build up around the unit, restricting airflow. Always take the time to check the unit and remove any debris you find.

Knowing what you can do and what mistakes to avoid helps you get more out of your system. To schedule heat pump maintenance, repair or installation services in Winter Park, FL, call ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration.

Image provided by iStock

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