The Importance of Choosing the Right Furnace Filter in Windermere, FL

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Our customers are often surprised to learn that installing the right type of air filter can be critical to those who suffer from allergies and respiratory conditions. We understand it can be difficult to know which air filter will work best for your home’s HVAC system. When households in Windermere, FL, schedule their annual furnace inspections, our technicians always explain the pros and cons of each air filter option.

Getting What You Pay For

Most people think that changing their furnace’s air filter is easy and don’t put much thought into the process. For this reason, households will often choose the least expensive air filter and mistakenly believe their indoor air quality will be at its best. On the contrary, cheaper air filters generally don’t make dramatic improvements to air quality, so it’s wise to spend a little more on filters.

Choosing a Filter for Optimal Air Quality

To determine an air filter’s potential for increasing indoor comfort for allergy sufferers and people who have respiratory ailments, we look at the filter’s rating. Our technicians recommend air filters with a MERV rating of four or higher.

Premium Filters Remove More Contaminants

In the average home, the most offending air contaminants include pollution, allergens, harmful gases, and dust. Filters with a higher rating filter out more contaminants that otherwise degrade indoor air quality if left to circulate.

Knowledgeable Furnace Service in Windermere, FL

Our talented Windermere, FL, HVAC technicians at ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration can help you improve your indoor air quality this fall and winter. We offer an extensive selection of effective air filters for every type of furnace and air quality situation. To learn which air filter may be right for you, call ACR Air Conditioning & Refrigeration today to schedule your furnace inspection.

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